The Origin of Eternal Whispers,
..why I am a transgender and, where I got my last name from.
Before you continue reading I would like to point out that this is a personal belief and I do not expect everyone to believe as I do, for everyone's beliefs are different.
Have you ever gone someplace you have never been to yet knew your way? Or remembered something that never happened? When I was very young I was bombarded with strange memories of things and places that did not make sense, I'd remember something that I was never a part of and could recall details about places I haven't been to. There are numerous explanations for these phenomenon's, to most of us they are nothing more then a strange occurrence of random things. To me they were much, much more....
The reason they meant so much to me was because they weren't random occurrences but connected memories that seemed to be trying to tell me something. It took most of my life to truly be able to put these puzzle pieces together, yet the whole time I already knew what they meant. They were telling me who I was.... Now you might be confused or you might already be dismissing this whole thing as the rambling of someone mentally unstable but then again thats the same thing people have said about every belief and religion that was not their own. But deep inside, when you know for a fact something is real to you, something you don't just believe is true but you know it is... that's where my story came from.
Allow me to formerly introduce myself (yes formerly as in past tense not formally because this isn't the first time I have been alive), My name was Sara Haldritch, I died sometime between 1910 and 1940, I don't pretend to know everything that happened because I simply don't. What little I can remember was my name, who I was and how I died. Now why do I remember or even know these things? I couldn't begin to tell you but I can for certain tell you that it is as real as love is. The kind of love a parent has for a child or a person has for their soul mate, it isn't something you can see or prove other then through action and gesture but you simply know its true.
I have tried for years to understand this, and it took me 33 years to piece it together enough to make sense... but once it made sense everything fell into place. Why I knew I should have been born a woman, why I knew and remembered things I couldn't have possibly known. I lived before this and now I am back for I simply was not ready to let go.
Haldritch was my husband's last name which is German in origin. I don't remember his face nor his name but I know I loved him very much, which is why I chose to keep that last name now. Sara was my first name but this time I chose to add a little personality to it and changed it to Saraphiene. It is pronounced Sara-feen, its an Irish derivative of the french name Serafine which is also pronounced the same way. My wife is my soulmate and I very much truly believe she was actually my husband in my last life, so she gave me my middle name which is Allison.
Well that explains the last name and the deep origin of why I am really a woman, now to explain Eternal Whispers. Eternal Whispers is simply the story of my life before and my life now.
So welcome to the deepest most personal aspect of my life.....
Saraphiene "Sara" Haldritch